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Stolen Trailer Was Going to Help Family in Need

A trailer stolen from the parking lot of First Baptist Church in Lubbock, was going to be used to help build a home for a family, church staff said.

Lubbock Police said the white box trailer was taken from the church around 6:25 p.m.

“You always wonder how people can steal from a church,” said the church’s business administrator Dean Johnson.

He said when staff discovered the trailer was missing, they reviewed the security cameras on the property.

“We saw a vehicle, a pickup, a red pickup, with a white bed, drive in, load it up… it did have locks on it, so they managed to get around the locks somehow, and they drove off, with our trailer,” Johnson said.

Johnson explained that particular trailer had a special purpose.

“We have several vehicles and a couple of trailers, but that trailer specifically is set up so that we go down to the valley usually during spring break and build a house for a family who doesn’t have any place to live,” he said. “We would use that trailer to load up the materials and equipment, and we have volunteers go down there on their time and their money, and we build that house.”

The truck was located near 18th and Slide, and “had been reported stolen,” LPD said late Thursday night.

“It’s frustrating when you have vandalism or theft, or somebody just doesn’t understand,” Johnson added.

“We have a really good use for it. I’m not sure why you might need it, but we have a good use for it. We’d like to have our trailer back,” said Johnson.

Anyone with information is encouraged to call Crime Line at (806) 741-1000.