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Texas Public Policy Foundation Armstrong Director to Speak at Texas Tech Monday

Kathleen Hartnett White, the distinguished senior fellow and director of the Armstrong Center for Energy and the Environment at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, will speak as part of the Texas Tech University School of Law Energy Law Lecture Series.

Noon Monday (Oct. 31)

Lanier Auditorium, Texas Tech University School of Law, 1802 Hartford Ave.

Kathleen Hartnett White is an accomplished author and director of the Armstrong Center for Energy and the Environment at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, where she directs research and policy on energy, climate change, air quality, water quality and water rights, waste and endangered species.

After receiving her bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Stanford, she studied law at Texas Tech under the Lineberry Fellowship.

She recently co-authored a book with Steve Moore titled “Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy.” She also has contributed to publications such as The Hill, National Review, Forbes and the Washington Examiner.

Hartnett White is the former chairwoman and commissioner of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (2001-07), the second largest environmental agency in the world after the Environmental Protection Agency. She has served on the Texas Water Development Board, the Texas Economic Development Commission, the Lower Colorado River Authority and the Journal of Regulatory Science.

Those attending the event are eligible for one hour of Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit. Contact Erica Lux at erica.lux@ttu.edu for details.

Sarah Salazar, director of communications, School of Law, Texas Tech University, (806) 834-5074 or sarah.e.salazar@ttu.edu

(News release from Texas Tech University)