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Texas Tech University Campus Carry Task Force Finalizes Recommendations

Texas Tech University (TTU) Interim President John Opperman on Tuesday accepted a TTU Operating Policy (OP) pertaining to the implementation of Senate Bill 11, also referred to as campus carry.

The OP will be reviewed by the Board of Regents, which is required by law and expected at a called meeting in April.

“I would like to thank the Chancellor’s Campus Carry Work Group, the TTU Campus Carry Task Force, the TTU System Office of General Counsel, the provost and many key staff and administrators for their input and efforts in shaping these recommendations,” Opperman said. “This was an important and necessary process that included the input from constituent groups across campus, including faculty, staff and students, and I appreciate their involvement. I am confident we have submitted a set of recommendations that respects the spirit of the law while reflecting input from our community.”

Included in the recommendations are proposed areas of exclusion from SB 11, including The Robert H. Ewalt Student Recreation Center, Kent R. Hance Chapel, any location where professional counseling services are provided, spaces used for activities or camps attended by minors, designated research laboratories, any university event where alcohol is being served in accordance with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission and approved performance venues.

The university will require students who possess a concealed handgun license and reside in designated campus residential facilities to safely secure and store the handgun so “it is not readily available to anyone except the permit holder.” Other students assigned to a residence hall room where a firearm is stored will be allowed to request a transfer.

“Because there are differing views and legal opinions on some of these recommendations, provisions have been included to allow future amendments to the OP should circumstances warrant,” Opperman added. “These provisions include the establishment of a campus carry committee to review future proposed changes and to advise the president. Based on possible future court rulings related to SB 11, this process provides the opportunity for changes.”

The new operating policy goes into effect Aug. 1. Open carry of firearms, per state law, will continue to be prohibited on campus.

For more information about OP 10.30, visit http://www.ttuhsc.edu/hsc/op/op10/op1030.pdf.

(News release from Texas Tech University)