A three-year-old boy was found wandering in Central Lubbock, prompting Child Protective Services to take the boy into custody.

Police received a call around 3:45 Wednesday afternoon, notifying them the child had been located.

According to the police report, the responding officer made contact with the child’s guardians after a 40 minute search through the neighborhood.

During a search of the child’s home, LPD discovered “the residence was extremely dirty and wreaked of cigarette smoke, old/moldy food, and feces.”

“The floor of the residence was covered in trash, food, spilled liquid substances, dog food, dog feces, and dirty diapers,” the police report said. The officer reported wet wipes covered in feces stuck to the wall, and “feces on the wall that had been smeared by a small hand at the height of [the child].”

According to the police report, the child slept in the same bed as his parent. That bed had trash on it, and marijuana paraphernalia was found in the bedroom. Police also found rotten food in the refrigerator.

The child’s parent and grandparent “were unusually calm and unsurprised by the incident.” Neither “would take responsibility for the incident or the nature of the residence.”

A representative from CPS arrived to conduct a separate investigation.

A neighbor told EverythingLubbock.com the child was seen two weeks prior near the same intersection, alone. Police records were consistent with that neighbor’s claim. Lieutenant Ray Mendoza said the situation was under investigation.

“We are working with CPS to come up with the best way to proceed with the child’s best interest in mind,” he said.

Paul Zimmerman, with Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, said CPS’s role is to “protect the safety and welfare of the child.”