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Get Moving at the Walk Like MADD Event

Mother’s Against Drunk Driving will hold the “Walk Like MADD” event on Saturday, September 23rd to raise funds for their organization so they can serve victims of drunk driving accidents in the local area.

Check in for the walk begins at 9 a.m. and the walk stars at 10 a.m. at the Lubbock County Courthouse. There will also be a raffle where tons of cool prizes will be given away. 

Some of the prizes include two Southwest Airline tickets, a 50 inch Smart TV, a James Avery Jewelry set and a one night stay at the Overton Hotel with a $50 gift card to the Pecan Grill. Raffle tickets can be bought at the event and will cost $5 each.

Cost to register for the event is $25 for adults and $20 for children. All funds raised at the walk will go to helping Mother’s Against Drunk Driving continue to help accident victims in the area.

To register for the event or for more information, visit the event’s site at walklikemadd.org/lubbock.