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Workout Wednesday: Pure Barre Lubbock

Everyone has those days when they want to put in a hard workout and see results, but everything you usually do to workout sounds boring. The idea of being bored while working out is a quick way to make you unmotivated, and will kill your workout drive.

Pure Barre Lubbock is aiming to change that by making your workout fun and challenging at the same time. Barre classes are a mixture of Pilates, dance and yoga elements often choreographed to music.

Barre workouts often work parts of body that can sometimes be ignored through other cardio or weight lifting workouts.

At first it can be challenging, but after a couple of weeks of taking classes you’ll often see results.

If you’d like any additional information about Pure Barre Lubbock, you can call them at (806) 698-6300 or checkout their website at www.purebarre.com/tx-lubbock/