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TTUHSC Develops New Campus Carry Policy

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) announced changes to its policy regarding handguns, which will take effect August 1 upon final approval from the Texas Tech University System Board of Regents. The changes reflect new authorizations in Texas Government Code Section 411.2031, which will allow handgun license holders, with either a Concealed Handgun License (CHL) or License to Carry a Handgun (LTC), to carry a concealed handgun on university campuses.

The proposed TTUHSC Operating Policy (OP) 10.30 will address these new authorizations as well as campus areas acknowledged in Section 411.2031 called “concealed carry restricted areas,” where handguns are not permitted. Designated medical service areas, certain research laboratories and areas temporarily designated according to Penal Code Sections 30.06, 46.03 and 46.035 will be considered concealed carry restricted areas, and handgun license holders will be forbidden from carrying a weapon into these areas.

OP 10.30 also identifies the TTUHSC president as the person responsible for designating concealed carry restricted areas with the authority to expand the list of concealed carry restricted areas as well as temporarily or permanently restrict areas according to student, faculty or staff request.

OP 10.30 will restrict the open display of a handgun on TTUHSC campus, except by peace officers and other specifically authorized individuals. Additionally, OP 10.30 will prohibit discharging a weapon, whether intentionally or unintentionally, unless discharge occurs under circumstances allowable by law.

The Texas Tech University Police Department Chief of Police and TTUHSC executive vice president for finance and administration will review OP 10.30 in October of every odd-numbered year and make recommendations to the TTUHSC president by November 1. The Texas legislature will review a report and justification of OP 10.30 for revision every even-numbered year.

For more information about OP 10.30, visit http://www.ttuhsc.edu/hsc/op/op10/op1030.pdf.

(Press release from the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center)