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Voter Survey: Texans Support Trump, Split on Muslim Ban and Border Wall

In a year with legitimate political discussion of Texas turning from tradition to vote Democratic, the results are in and, unsurprisingly, most Texans still lean conservative.

The Texas Tech University Earl Survey Research Lab (ESRL) released on Monday (Nov. 7) the results of its statewide survey of registered voters on the 2016 election and policy preferences.

From Oct. 11 to Nov. 3, undergraduate students conducted interviews as part of a project in two classes: Political Analysis and Environmental Law, taught by Jared Perkins, and Introduction to American Government, taught by Sara Norman. The margin of error is +/- 4.2 at the 95 percent confidence level.

The survey found:

For further analysis of this survey and other ESRL administered surveys, see the ESRL blog.

(News release from Texas Tech University)