WASHINGTON (Nexstar) — President Trump met with eight governors from around the country on Thursday to discuss workforce development and what’s working in their states.
Administration officials say they want to work with states to remove barriers for America’s workers, including occupational licensing reform, child care and paid family leave policies and skills training.
President Trump said job creation is one of his top priorities.
“We have the lowest unemployment in the country,” said Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds. But Reynolds said Iowa workers need more opportunities for training. “We have jobs looking for people in Iowa,” Reynolds. said.
State and federal leaders said rules for occupational licenses for nurses and other professions hurt families who move frequently and can be too expensive to maintain.
“These regulations also harm low-income families who can’t afford the time and money to get in these fields,” President Trump said.
Also high on the governors’ list of priorities was criminal justice reform.
Tennessee Governor Bill Lee said the key to making good citizens out of ex-cons is job training. “To connect those who are going to get out of prison with meaningful jobs,” said Gov. Bill Lee. “To reduce recidivism and ultimately reduce crime in our state.”
Brooke Rollins, Assistant to the President for Strategic Initiatives, said businesses need to step up here.
“Working with the private sector to take away the stigma of not wanting to hire someone with a criminal record,” Rollins said.
With unemployment numbers at a nearly 50 year low, federal and state leaders said they hope to work together to remove barriers and help even more American workers get hired.