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Inside the battle over drafting women into the military

WASHINGTON, D.C. (NEXSTAR) — The Trump Administration will fight a court battle over how we prepare for war. The administration will appeal a Texas federal court ruling examing the male-only military draft system. 

The Justice Department says drafting women would be “problematic,” while proponents of a unisex draft argue the current system discriminates against men.

However, if there were a national emergency, former marine Jude Eden says America needs its best soliders out front. And she’s seen firsthand that women aren’t fit to fight.

“There’s a lot of roles in which women excel,” she said. “It’s just in the combat units in particular that’s bad for women and bad for combat.”

She says expanding the country’s military draft to include women would be a mistake.

Right now the law requires all men to register for the draft within 30 days of their 18th birthday. If they don’t, they can be denied benefits like federal employment and student loans.

A Texas federal court ruled the current male-only draft is unconstitutional — and the Trump Administration announced it will challenge that ruling.

“Either get rid of the draft and selective service or make women register at the same rate as men,” said Ellen Haring, of Service Women’s Action Network. “You get tested and you get slotted into occupations for which you are qualified. If they are qualified, it would be silly to cut off access to that talent pool.”

Meanwhile, Joseph Heck, Chairman of the National Commission on Military, National and Public Service, says the U.S. may not even need a draft at all. 

“We have not had a draft since the early 70s. So the question is: do we still need it? And if we do, who should be required to register?” 

The Commission is holding a series of hearings to examine the draft and report back to Congress next March.