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Lawmakers working to protect new parents from losing their jobs

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Nexstar) — Ivanka Trump says that working parents need to be able to raise their child without the fear of losing their career.

She says parents need permanent protections and is calling on Congress to pass legislation that would improve access to paid family leave.

“People who can afford it the most, are most likely to have access to the leave,” says Trump. “And the people who can afford it the least, and have the least amount of cushion, have the least access.”

On Wednesday, lawmakers introduced a bipartisan bill that would allow new parents to access up to $5,000 in tax credits.

West Virginia Republican Shelley Moore Capito says the bills is the only piece of legislation with a chance of passing.

“This I think is something that is very needed, but also a great way to get this conversation to a point to where we can actually get something across the line,” says Capito.

Ivanka Trump will host lawmakers next week at the White House for the first paid family leave summit.