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Watch Live: Exclusive town hall with Texas Governor Greg Abbott

TYLER, Texas (NEXSTAR) — Just days after a mass shooting thrust Texas into the national spotlight, Governor Greg Abbott will address the tragedy in El Paso and other issues of importance during a statewide town hall this evening.

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The one-hour forum begins at 7 p.m. CT from the University of Texas at Tyler R. Don Cowan Fine and Performing Arts Center. The event will be moderated by Neal Barton of KETK-TV in Tyler, Sally Hernandez of KXAN-TV in Austin and Phil Prazan of KXAN-TV in Austin.

You’ll be able to watch the exclusive event in the player above.  Live streaming begins at 6:30 p.m. CT with a pre-show special focused on topical local and regional issues likely to be addressed during the town hall. It will be moderated by Josh Hinkle of KXAN-TV in Austin.


The 7 p.m. CT town hall will open with a ten minute question-and-answer session between Governor Abbott and the moderators, followed by approximately fifty minutes of questions from the local audience. Immediately following the town hall, a member of the Texas Democratic leadership will deliver a response to constituents.

Following the Tyler event, Hinkle will host a streaming post-show breaking down the issues discussed by Governor Abbott with a focus on what’s next for the Lonestar State.

You’re invited to tweet your thoughts throughout the evening’s events using the hashtag #AbbottTownHall.

For more detailed information about the event, you can click here.