LUBBOCK, Texas — The City of Lubbock scheduled a press conference for Thursday at 11:30 a.m. on the effort to slow or stop the spread of COVID-19.

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As of Wednesday evening, the City of Lubbock Health Department reported 575 total cases of COVID-19 or coronavirus with 47 deaths, and 283 recoveries.

Katherine Wells, Director of Public Health for the City of Lubbock, said in the Thursday press conference three of the most recent four fatalities were not nursing-home related.

A majority of the 47 deaths have been related to nursing homes. Wells said these most recent fatalities were people who were exposed to someone who was asymptomatic.

Mayor Dan Pope said it’s too early to make announcements concerning Fourth on Broadway. Pope said he, Don Caldwell and others have been talking and planning. Pope certainly hopes Lubbock can have a celebration for the 4th of July.