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Wichita Falls Man Faces Alleged Sexual Abuse Charges of a 4-Year-Old

A man arrested after a one-year investigation into child porn found on a hospital computer, now faces charges related to the alleged sexual abuse of a 4-year-old girl back in 2006.

49-year-old Christopher Thomas was scheduled to appear in 89th District Court on Friday for a proceeding involving his 15 counts of possession of child pornography.
Instead, he was charged with a new count of sexual indecency with a child by contact.

According to the affidavit, the mother of a 13-year-old girl reported the incident to police.
The girl then gave information that when she was in pre-K, on more than one occasion Thomas took her into a room at his house and pulled her clothing down and touched her.

She said he told her not to tell anyone and it was their ‘little secret.’

Thomas’ new bond was set at  $75,000.

His previous bonds on the child porn charges total $300,000.
Those charges came last year after fellow employees at United Regional hospital reported Thomas had child pornography on his work computer.   

Police say they also found more images on several computers in his home.

(Information from TexomasHomepage.com)