With a little over three months before the Red Raiders are back on the football field, the team played two spring games to get fans excited about the upcoming season.
Several special Wish Kids got a chance to suit up with the team and hang out on the sidelines.
Braden and Andrew were special guests as the red took on the black in the spring game in Frisco.
“Yes I thought I was just going to get to watch the game but it ended up there was just a lot more than just that,” said Braden.
They got their own jerseys and warmed up with the team. Coach Kliff Kingsbury was really impressed with their work.
“I was, I was, I knew in warm ups that they had something special, had great attitudes and were running around there fitting in with the guys. So I expected them to play well and they did,” said Kingsbury.
Braden and Andrew learned the playbook with the team. Then put their practice to good use, surprising the senior red raiders with their quick skills.
“I saw one guy dive at my feet so I had to jump back a little, and I had good blockers,” said Braden.
Andrew said, “No they just showed us on the card in the huddle and then that’s what we did.”
“They executed it flawlessly too. They were not the most well drawn cards either so they did good,” said Kingsbury.
If you think the Red Raiders went easy on Braden and Andrew, think again. They earned those touchdowns.
Bridget O’Connell, planner for the Office of Athletics said, “That was actually something that was really important for us, to be authentic. As in like we hoped that it just kind of happened, if that’s something they’d feel comfortable with. They asked ‘hey can we go on the field’ and they were obviously very capable, doing great in warm ups with coach and the team. So we decided to go ahead and let them have a chance to score a touchdown. And they did an awesome job. They both scored and that was just the icing on the cake for the whole day.”
Texas Tech Athletics partnered with the Make-A-Wish Foundation to provide the ultimate player and fan experiences.
“Part of our mission statement at Texas Tech Athletics is to do the right thing. And at the end of the day that’s what it’s about. It’s about doing the right thing, making sure that not only are you doing your job but you’re giving back and giving back to the community that supports us,” said O’Connell.
A few weeks later, the Red Raiders surprised Jordan and Keelan and took them to Jones Stadium in a limo and they got the full VIP treatment.
“Everyone was so sweet and made me feel welcome. They just let me do everything, it was really neat. They didn’t tell me a lot, it was a surprise after surprise. They picked me up in a limo, we went on the field and got to meet everyone,” said Jordan.
Both Jordan and Keelan said after this experience they’re ready to sign their letters of intent to attend Texas Tech and Texas Tech couldn’t be more thrilled.
“It’s a once in a lifetime experience to be able to do that. But like I said, just getting to see them live like that and just be so excited, so happy and so grateful. Probably left a bigger impact on me,” said coach Kingsbury and the Texas Tech Athletics.
If you’d like to get involved with the Make-A-Wish Foundation give them a call at 806-785-9474.