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Cowboys to hold Rally Day on Saturday

The Dallas Cowboys will be hold a public event which will include several big name former players.

The Rally Day will take play on Saturday, January 14 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Fans can get photos and autographs with cheerleaders former Cowboys and go onto the field for fun. 


Dallas Cowboys Alumnus Rayfield Wright
Dallas Cowboys Alumnus Mel Renfro
Dallas Cowboys Alumnus Dixon Edwards 
Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders


10 a.m. – rally Day Begins
11 a.m., 1 p.m., 4 p.m.  – Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders photos and autographs with fans
Noon-6 – Rowdy
1 p.m. – Rayfield Wright 
2 p.m.- Mel Renfro
3 p.m. – Dixon Edwards


VIP Guided Tour Rally Day Ticket  – $27.50  for Adults, $22.50 for Kids, Seniors and Military
Self-Guided Tour Rally Day Ticket  – $17.50 for Adults, $14.50  for Kids, Seniors and Military

Free parking for fans 

To purchase tickets, visit www.ATTStadium.com/rallyday, call 817-892-TOUR or visit the AT&T Stadium Ticket Office.