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‘It’s huge!’ Spartans in awe of U.S. Bank Stadium

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (WLNS) — Throughout the Spartan season, Michigan State’s Men’s Basketball Team had the opportunity to play on several big stages.

They started off the year in the Champions Classic, then ther was the Las Vegas Invitational, and you can’t forget about the Big Ten Tournament Championship at the United Center in Chicago.

But no stage is bigger than the Final Four and when the players stepped out onto the floor today for their practice, they were in awe with what they saw.

“It’s huge, ya know, its ya know, its tough because you don’t look at the back of hoop it’s like all open seats so that’s tough but something to get used to,” said MSU Junior Forward Nick Ward

“The biggest arena I’ve ever played in, biggest stage I’ve played on,” said MSU Freshman Aaron Henry. “I’m excited for it man, to make memories and hopefully win a championship.”

“It was huge like when I walked out there,” said MSU Sophmore Forward Xavier Tillman. “How far away the seats were from the court, it was huge, it’s unbelievable.”

“It was so big and empty, it was kinda weird ya know.” said MSU Senior Guard Matt McQuaid. “It kinda echoed too when we were yelling and talking, but I mean it’s a really nice arena. It’s a cool place and I’m excited for the experience.”

Even though his teammates like to give him a hard time, calling him “Old Man Goins,” since he is the only Spartan player that was on the Final Four team in 2015, come Saturday, they will be taking his advice to heart.

“I tried to explain to them, it’s gonna be weird depth perception. The seats are back, but you gotta enjoy the moment. You gotta live it up and just know take it all in,” said MSU Senior Forward Kenny Goins