AUSTIN, Texas — The University Interscholastic League released UPDATED conference and division cutoff numbers and preliminary enrollment figures for the 2020-2022 reclassification and realignment today updating previously released figures from Dec. 3.
In an effort to increase transparency and accuracy, the UIL released conference and division cutoff numbers and preliminary enrollment figures last week. New information was brought forward updating numbers previously submitted by schools which has caused conference cutoffs to be revised.
The UPDATED conference cutoff numbers provide the range of enrollment for each of the six conferences, including divisional cutoffs for football.
Updated numbers in BOLD *(Previous numbers in parentheses)
Conference Cutoffs
6A: 2220 and above 245 schools: 245-Basketball; 245-Football; 243-Volleyball
5A: 1230 – 2219 (1210 – 2219)* 255 schools: 254-Basketball; 253-Football; 255-Volleyball
4A:515 – 1229 (515 – 1209)* 205 schools: 201-Basketball; 186-Football; 200-Volleyball
3A: 230 – 514 235 schools: 235-Basketball; 211-Football; 222-Volleyball
2A: 105 – 229 201 schools: 201-Basketball; 190-Football; 137-Volleyball
1A: 104.9 and below 218 schools: 217-Basketball; 153-Football; 118-Volleyball
1A – 5A Football Division I and Division II Numbers
1A Division I: 59.5 – 104.9 77 schools
1A Division II: 59.4 and below 76 schools
2A Division I: 165.5 – 229 97 schools
2A Division II: 105 – 165.4 93 schools
3A Division I: 350 – 514 105 schools
3A Division II: 230 – 349 106 schools
4A Division I: 880 – 1229 (865 – 1209)* 93 schools
4A Division II: 515 – 879 (515 – 864)* 93 schools
5A Division I: 1922 – 2219 (1900 – 2219)* 128 schools
5A Division II: 1230 – 1921 (1210 – 1899)* 125 schools
Preliminary enrollments have also been released to increase transparency and provide for additional verification of enrollment figures. These figures were submitted by school districts based on enrollment on Oct. 25. Preliminary enrollment numbers can be found at
No numbers are considered final until the final alignments are released on Feb. 3, 2020.
The 2020-22 alignments will be released Feb. 3 for basketball, football and volleyball. District alignments for other activities will be released in the order of their seasons. More information about UIL alignments can be found at
Courtesy: University Interscholastic League