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Green and Gold Nation holds pep rally to support Packers in upcoming NFC Championship Game

GREEN BAY, Wis. (WFRV) — A pep rally in Green Bay’s downtown put the city’s team spirit on full display.

The pep rally held Friday afternoon was what fans hoped for a week ago.

A crowd gathered to cheer on the Packers heading into Sunday’s NFC Championship Game against the 49ers.

The game is taking place in California, but you’d never know that looking at the crowd that showed up to show off their spirit.

Packers President and CEO Mark Murphey and Green Bay Mayor Eric Genrich attended the pep rally.

Genrich was ready to wear green and gold as he volunteers next week as part of his win-win challenge with the mayor of San Francisco.

Fans were also treated to some selections by the Preble Pep Band and Drumline, which helped set the optimistic mood.

“We’re going to have to play our best, but this team has definitely shown me that they have a chance to win,” says Gene Greening, a fan who attended the pep rally. “We’re here, we’re in the game, and we won many big games, why not this one?”

While there was a lot of spirit on display, everyone is really hoping for another pep rally before the Super Bowl.

The Packers face off against the 49ers Sunday evening at 5:40 p.m.