It was a much warmer day today compared to yesterday with temperatures about 20 degrees above from what we had yesterday. Fortunately for Mother’s Day tomorrow it will be a warm one, but still unseasonably cool for this time of year with highs in the mid 70s. Most of tomorrow will be dry, however, there is the potential for some storms to develop during the late afternoon/evening hours. As of now, only the southwestern South Plains is under a marginal risk for severe weather while the rest of the area is only under the general thunderstorm category.

After tomorrow, there is one more chance for rain on Monday with temperatures hovering int the 60s and 70s. By Tuesday, things look to remain dry for much of the week, although we are monitoring the chance for more rain late Friday and into Saturday. 

-Meteorologist Kellianne Klass

Facebook: Meteorologist Kellianne Klass

Twitter: @KellianneWX