The air is really going to warm up as we make it into the day on Thursday. The wind will start from the west, which will get highs up into the upper 70s for Lubbock and low 80s in the Rolling Plains. A very strong cold front is going to pass through Thursday evening. Cooler air will begin to filter down by Thursday night. So, we will begin to get cold, once again on Friday morning. Wind will be at 15-20 mph, with gusts to 40 mph behind the cold front.
Friday morning is going to be cold. Plain and simple. Lubbock will drop down to 38°, with lows near freezing in the northwestern counties. The wind will remain elevated at 10-15 mph all through the day. We are going to see a high temperature of only 50°. Areas to the west will only be in the mid 40s for highs. The wind will make it feel cooler. We’ll get even colder by Saturday morning, with a widespread freeze expected. Lubbock will dip to 28° Saturday morning.
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